The All-Russian volunteer action «Spring Week of Kindness»

04/30/2021 12:00:00 am

Within the All-Russian volunteer action «Spring Week of Kindness» today the «Moskovsky» CC held a meeting with the specialists of the «Comprehensive Center for Social Services for the Kazan Population» and the «Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Children and Youth "Doverie"».

The speakers were: the deputy of the Kazan City Duma, Managing Director of Food and Social Nutrition Department of Kazan — Mukhamedshina Rima; Specialist in social work of the Complex Center for Social Services of Population — Akhsanova Elmira and a psychologist of the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance to Children and Youth «Doverie» — Shaydullina Ilsiyar.

CC «Moskovsky» supports this wonderful initiative and since May 2021 invites everyone to weekly master classes for parents of children with disabilities.

Schedule of classes for parents of children with disabilities

Monday: 10:00 – Fine Arts

Tuesday: 12:00 – Oriental dance

Wednesday: 15:00 – Table tennis

Thursday: 12:00 – Computer literacy

Sunday: 12:00 – Studio for sense of rhythm «Inclusion»